Mr. Black Wind is a graduate of the Fine Art Department of the Central People’s University. He has held more than30 exhibitions in China. Black Wind is a native of Sichuan. He was born in Gansu on the sprawling highland of north-western China. This is where the famous Dunhuang mural caves sit, as well as the starting point of the Great Wall. On this land there are deserts, grasslands, snow mountains and the roaring Yellow River. God has endowed Black Wind with a unique artistic gift. Precisely because he was born in the poorest area and during the most tumultuous era, he has evolved into a persevering, stoic man. Black Wind is a talented artist and poet. He is also a peace-loving man, a philanthropist and an advocate of democracy for China. His art belongs to the world. In his painting, the vast universe and the tiny insect are depicted in a delicate and symbiotic relationship. The women in his paintings have a poetic affinity with the world; she is the world, and the world, she. The painting style b Black Wind is deeply rooted in society and yet keeps pace with the times free from the shackles of traditional forms. The time-centred style marks a new stage in Black Wind’s creative life as it is a deeper exploration into the aesthetic and spiritual values of his art.
黑风先生毕业于中央民族大学美术系,曾在中国、美国、法国、意大利、台湾、新加坡举办过三十多次画展。祖籍四川,生于西北高原-甘肃。黑风是一个才华横溢的画家、诗人、也是一个关爱世界和平、热心中国民主运动的慈善事业的艺术家。他创立的画派抱着根植于社会,与时代同步的立场追求在挣脱传统行式美的基础上重新的审美观 “时代主义画派”是黑风创作的新阶段,是对作品观赏价值与精神价值的进一步探讨。让观众通过作品在现代社会错综复杂的生存环境中得到心灵的平和与宁静。