Chen Fu Hua 陈福华

(B. 1941 – )

Mr. Chen Fu-Hua born in 1941 in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. He graduated from the Luxing Academy of Fine Arts in 1963, and had worked as an art editor and graphic designer. In 1988, he joined the Liaoning Artists’ Association and was appointed the supervisor of the master auditorium. Till now he still continues with his artistic work for the last 53 years. He is a member of the Chinese Artists’ Association and is also a Council member of Liaoning Artists’ Association.

His work, of more than a hundred, have been collected globally, namely, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, USA, Singapore and China. In 1993, his biography was officially recorded into the Chinese Art and Cultural Journal, which he was also made an advisory member for this particular editorial.

陈福华先生,1941年生,辽宁省沈阳市人,1956年考入鲁迅美术学院附中。 1963年毕业于鲁迅美术学院 (大专学历) 毕业后当过美工、美术编辑。 1988年调入辽宁省美术家协会, 任展览部主任。 退休后组办辽宁博郎画廊, 任专职画家、现为中国美术家协会会员、辽宁省美术家协会理事。

从鲁迅美术学院毕业后至今, 迈入画坛近50年,在过去的那些年代里, 政冶运动的种种羁绊下, 命运对我并不公平, 我的艺术生涯被夺去近20余年, 失败和挫折铬刻在我们这代人的心底, 但是, 我始终没有忘记艺术, 我热爱自然, 钟情生活, 80年代未以一颗炽热的心重抄画笔, 并在辽宁艺术大学进修兩年油画专业。 奋力实现多年的夙愿。

艺术主张唯美、求实, 不去粉饰, 在大自然中吸取, 到生活中去写生收集, 北方的沃土赋予我无尽的素材, 绘制的作品具有浓厚的乡土气息, 它真切、自然。 从白雪皑皑到碧水清波, 在那些作品里散发着沁人的野香, 浸透着无限的思恋。 一幅幅白桦细语, 一页页俊俏的奇峰, 似诗、似乐, 倾注了我毕生的汗水和心血。 我画得如醉如痴, 手中的画笔付与人们美的享受。 艺术大师罗丹曾说过:艺术在于理解, 我的画让人看得懂, 它恬靜、靓丽、充实、动人。

作品风格:功力深厚, 笔触纯熟奔放, 细致入微:色彩绚丽、浓郁、不苟一格, 在长期的实践中执着探求, 将西方优秀的油画技巧取之精华, 构筑起独特的、精湛、跨越的艺术风格, 它给人以深刻的品味, 回忆、喚起人们心灵的共鸣。

擅长:油画、水彩水粉画。 大部分作品取自写生创作, 以风景静物为主, 色彩逼真、情调感人, 同时也画一些人体和肖像等等, 惟妙惟肖。






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(B. 1943 – )
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(B. 1970 – )
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(B. 1965 – )
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