Mr. Choo has had a distinguished career in the Arts scene spanning over 20 years. Prior to his current role as the CEO of Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC), he was the President of the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) from 2003 to 2014 and served as CEO of the National Arts Council (NAC) from 1996 to 2003.
Mr. Choo is formally trained in Chinese calligraphy. His love for calligraphy began at a tender age of 11, when he started by teaching himself the basic brushstrokes. He has come a long way since then, having continued his practice to hone his skill over the past 50 years, including 20 years of training under the locally renowned calligrapher, Mr. Chang Sow Yam. While this is his first solo exhibition with Da Tang Fine Arts Singapore, he has previously participated in group exhibitions, and has regularly presented his calligraphy art works to close friends and family. Mr. Choo is also well-versed in and a published writer of Chinese classical poems, producing his first collection of personal poems in 2001. Mr. Choo is a unique and well-rounded calligrapher. He marries his deep knowledge in Chinese classical poems, as well as in Chinese language, history, philosophy and culture, with his masterful skill in calligraphy to produce original and meaningful calligraphy art works.
Mr. Choo was educated as a horticulturist, having received his Bachelor in Horticultural Science from Lincoln College, University of Canterbury, and his master’s in urban forestry from Australian National University (ANU), both under Singapore’s Colombo Plan Scholarship. Prior to his career in the arts, he was with then Parks and Recreation Department (P&R), which later became the National Parks Board (NParks) for 20 years, rising to Deputy CEO before leaving in 1996.
Over the years, he has served as Chairman, President or Board Member on various cultural organizations and institutions, including the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, School of the Arts, and presided as Chief Judge of the UOB Painting of the Year for several years. Currently, he is the Chairman of Tote Board Arts Fund, Director of Singapore Chinese Orchestra Company Limited, Independent Director of Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS), Director of Ding Yi Music Company Ltd, Member of Singapore Press Holdings Ltd Chinese Newspaper Division Advisory Panel, Chairman of National Chinese Music Competition Advisory Committee, President of General Society for Chinese Classical Poetry (International), and Chairman of MCI’s Broadcast/Publication/ Arts Appeal Committee.
朱先主的本科是园艺科学。获纽西兰林肯大学本科和澳洲国立大学硕士学 位。砖1976年任职新加坡公园与游乐署(后改组为国家公园局),1996年一卸 职时勺园林局副局长:1996一2003年任新加坡国家艺术理事会总裁,2003-2014弃仟南洋艺术学院院长,自2014年4月至今,是新加坡华族文化中心总 裁。 历年长,他也在许多文艺机构担仟委员及董事。曾任新加坡国家交响乐团董 事,新加坡艺术学校董事以及担任数届的大华银行全国绘画比赛评委主席。 现任祈加坡赛马博彩管理局艺术基金主席,新加坡华乐团董事,新加坡词曲 版权泌会独立董事,鼎艺团董事,新加坡华乐总会顾问,全球汉诗总会会 长,新加坡报业控股华文报集团咨询团团员,艺术理事会全国华乐比赛筹委 会主」}常,以及通讯及新闻部的广播/出版/艺术申诉委员会主席。 朱先主是一位艺术爱好者,热爱东西方古典音乐、书法、中国诗词文学,地 方戏曲,也喜欢收集古玩。他自小学时就爱好书法,自学临帖乐毅论,黄庭 经,灵飞经,兰亭序,玄秘塔,麻姑仙坛记。中学时一转临福神观记,洛神赋, 张黑女墓志铭,石门铭。80年代,拜师曾守荫老师门下近20年,学习欧阶询, 谭恒有笔法。曾老师强调笔笔中锋,回锋收笔,以古为法,打下严谨的运笔 基础;近二一仁年涉猎苏轼,文征明,董其昌,吴昌硕,邓散木(硬笔书法)生之 、士:
他放2001年出版了他的第一木旧体诗集《洒落人问尽粉妆》,也在一论坛及座 谈会作有关园艺、绿化和文化专题演讲,和在杂志、报刊发表文章。