1985 年毕业于广州美术学院,油画系。
看范少华的作品有一种强烈的视觉冲击力。这力量来自画家积极的创作热情,他给传统水墨画注入新生命,写意的手法融入在他结合了传统水墨的长处和现代的抽象语言探索自然的调和,呈现丰富的质感,创出一种全新的视觉享受。范少华是位多才多艺,性情温和,纯朴。他的艺术生产中有着一股力求完美有着精湛的写实功力,在他追求蜕变的过程中,有着强烈的构思气魄,画中揉和了褶皱肌理效果增添作品中的姿态。一位艺术家的贡献,在于他的学养和追求, 满有抱负的他,定有一番成就,这种成就已在他的作品中显现无遗。
Fan Shao Hua (b.1963) Guangzhou, China. He started Chinese ink painting at a tender age of 10 at the Secondary School of Fine Arts. Subsequently, he graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1985 with a Bachelor of Arts.
Besides being the prestigious winner of ‘Painting of the Year Award’ at the 19th UOB Painting of the Year Competition in 2000 and International Premium Oil Painting Artist Award in Hong Kong in 2008, Fan has through the years won numerous art awards and held many exhibitions overseas – Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Paris. He is also a member of Singapore Art Society, Society of Chinese Artists and Japan Modern Arts Association, and been featured in a number of publications such as Mondial Collections Art in Asia, Straits Times Singapore, American International Artist Magazines and Channel News Asia.
As an artist, Fan is constantly experimenting and evolving. He fuses realism with his creative ideas and representational art in his artistic expressions. He exploits generously both the Chinese technique of ‘ink splash’ and ‘creased paper background’, and the Western tradition of representational art techniques in many of his compositions. His artworks is where East meets West and this style is constantly brought up by a level in his paintings as he applies it in various ways and to different subjects. These can be seen most evidently in “The Lotus”, “The Landscape” and “The Abstract” series of paintings. Fan continues to push the boundary of blending Chinese and Western techniques in his art and one can only wait in great anticipation for his future creations.
Fan gets his inspiration from nature. He believes strongly in the harmonious interactions between man and the unadulterated environment. He devotes considerable time to visiting the Chinese countryside and famous mountains like Taishan, Lushan and Huangshan in order to feel connected with nature and to gain inspiration for his works.