Geng Yao Min 耿耀民

(B. 1942 – 2007 )

Geng Yao Min, born in 1942,Da Lian, China. Graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in 1966. Upon graduation, he had worked as an exhibition designer, and art educator in Liaoning Exhibition Center, Ji Lin Cultural Institution, and Si Pin Normal University respectively. He has been appointed as a first-grade professional oil painter by Liaoning Academy of Fine Arts since 1986. Besides, he had been an Education, Vice-Chairman of Si Pin Fine Arts Association, and Chairman of The Fine Arts for Scientific Education.

Geng’s works show vibrant artistic characteristics inspired by the scene of South-East Asia. He has particular interest in painting goats. Many of his works were selected for major national art exhibitions, some of them had won prizes and been published. For instance, the painting “Enchanting” was selected for the China National Art Exhibition, and was collected by China Art Museum, it was also published in the major newspaper “Wen Hui Bao”, In 1994,Mr. Geng, as one of Liaoning Culture and Art Delegates, visited Korea and participated in an art exchange exhibition. In recent years, the artist has held two joint exhibitions in Indonesia. His work was exhibited in the exhibition “The Impression of North China” in Singapore. He has also participated in exhibitions organized by Liaoning Academy of Fine Arts held in Shenyang and Da Lian in Liaoning Province, China. 

耿耀民,1942年生于大连巿。1966年毕业于鲁迅美术学院,先后在辽宁展览馆、吉林省四平巿文化馆、四平师范从事展览、美术辅导、美术教学工作。1986 年进入辽宁画院,为专职油画家、一級美术师、教授。画风具有东南亚热带风格、擅长绘羊。曾任吉林省科普美协常务理事,美术家协会四平美协副主席, 美术教育学会会长。作品多次参加各级美展,部分获奖、出版发行。其中《引人入胜》入选全国美展,为中国美术馆收藏,《文汇报》发表。1994年随辽宁省文学艺术代表团赴韩国访问并举办美术作品联展。近年来两次赴印尼参办联展,参加了在新加坡举办的《北国风情展》,在沈阳、大连举办的院展。并在2000年10月在新加坡成功举办了首个个人展。这次带队审临狮城会友,我们致于真诚的欢迎。


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(B. 1943 – )
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(B. 1970 – )
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(B. 1965 – )
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