Hu Zhijun, born in Ningbo in 1921, was the manager of Shanghai Electric Power Equipment Company, and in 1947 he met Feng Zikai and made a new year’s friends. And become China’s well-known cartoonist Mr. Feng Zikai’s disciples, whose paintings are very similar to “Fengmen”, “can almost be imitation for genuine”, has been well-known in today’s art world. Hu Zhi Jun style after Feng Zikai paintings have twice been invited to Singapore for exhibition and have been well received.
胡治均,1921年出生在宁波,原是上海电力设备公司经理,1947年结识丰子恺,结忘年交。并成为我国著名漫画家丰子恺先生的嫡传弟子,其字画酷似 “丰门”、“几乎可以乱真”,已名扬于当今画坛。所临丰子恺绘画曾经两次应邀赴新加坡展出, 获得好评。