Huang Yan Tong 黄延桐
(B.1941 -)
Huang Yan Tong was born in 1941 in Guangdong, Meixian. He graduated from Guangdong Academy of Fine Arts in 1965. As a distinguished artist in China, Huang holds numerous portfolios. He is currently a member of the Chinese Artist and Guangdong Art Association Council, president of Huizhou County Artists Association and Principal of Huizhou County Art Academy. He is also, a professional artist in Guangzhou Art Academy. Huang’s works have represented China in numerous international art shows, and he had been to Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, USA, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Moscow for several group and solo art exhibitions. He had published two books on his works. Huang paints with deep passion and admiration for life. His works not only capture the beauty of nature but also encapsulate his life reflections and meditations, expressing his praise and passion for life. Many of his paintings portray the life of the Hakkas and the river villages in Jiangxi. His works are vibrant and rhythmic, subtle and yet full of life.
黄延桐同先生1941年生于广东梅县,1965年毕业于广州美术学院。现为中国美术家协会会员,广东省美术家协会理事,广州画院特聘画家,惠州巿美术家协会主席,惠州市画院院长。1988年《星河展》展出客家风惰系列。1991年,油画 “春寒”入选1991中国西湖美术节并邀往日本展 出。油画《黄遵宪肖像》在广州、上海、北京、新加坡、美国、莫斯科等地展出,被中山大学收藏。油画《山乡围屋》入选香港艺术中心举办的”中国当代油画联展”。1991年一一1999年在新加坡、印尼、马来西亚、美国、香港、台湾等地区及国家举办过九次个展和无数次的国内个人展和联展,得过多次金奖和银奖。2001年惠州巿博物馆举办《阳光下的日子一一黄延桐油画展》, 2004年惠州举办黄延桐”四人联展”,画家精湛成熟的作品得到艺术界高度赞赏。出版有”黄延桐作品集”两册。画家长期从事油画创作,作品多取材于自然景观。他一方面记录大自然的美,一方面将生活心得及自身心炅的写照,透过画布和彩笔呈现,赞美生命。如果一位画家的作品仅停留在对景物客观的逼真描绘,那只能赞叹他的色彩造型功夫,而无法令人感动。黄延桐一直是一位用心灵作画的创作者,以惰写景、以景抒情,运用动和靜、冷与暖、点与面的巧妙对比,使画面充满生气,意韵无穷,流淌着对生命的爱,对生活美的追求。除了以往客家风惰的作品外,更有江西水乡系列。黄延桐运用稳健洒脱的笔触及自然丰富的笔调,赋予作品生命及灵魂。大块清澈柔和的蓝加上春意盎然的绿,形成美妙的节奏感,那波光粼粼的水巷拥抱着粉墻黛绿的小楼,透过黄延桐心灵的沉淀,呈现出靜谧安祥的世界,使观者优游于亘古的幽情里,驰游忘返。