1911 出生于中国福建省永春县
1928 毕业于上海新华艺术大学
1928-1933 留学法国巴黎研究美术,作品入选巴黎秋季沙龙
1933-1937 任上海美术专科西洋画专任教授五年
1945 刘抗自马来西亚移居新加坡,在新加坡的四十年中,他一面继续从事他的绘画事业,一面则积极参与当地的艺术活动。他发起组织中华美术研究会与艺术协会。
1946-1958 新加坡中华美术研究会会长连任十二年
1957 第一次个人展在新加坡维多利亚纪念堂举行并出版“刘抗画集”
1949 新加坡艺术协会创办人之一
1970 新加坡共和国总统颁赐服务勋章
Born in 1911 in Yongchun County, Fujian Province, China He graduated from Xinhua University of the Arts in Shanghai in 1928 1928-1933 Studying fine arts in Paris, France, the work was selected for the Paris Autumn Salon 1933-1937 He was a full professor of Western painting in Shanghai Fine Arts For five years During his four decades in Singapore, Liu moved to Singapore from Malaysia, where he continued his painting career while actively participating in local art activities. He sponsored the Chinese Fine Arts Research Association and the Art Association. 1946-1958 President of the Chinese Fine Arts Research Association of Singapore was re-elected for 12 years 1957 First solo exhibition held and published “Liu Anti-Painting Collection” at the Victoria Memorial in Singapore 1949 One of the founders of the Singapore Art Society 1970 The President of the Republic of Singapore was awarded the Order of Service His works are rich in Southern characteristics, magnificent, full of vitality, interesting. Mr. Liu is a pioneering painter and educator in Our Country.