Mr Qian Juntao was born in Dongxiang, Zhejiang Province, a native of Hai Ning. He lived in Shanghai in the 1920s, and was consultant to the Shanghai Calligraphers’ Association, vice president of Xileng Seal Society, and principal of Juntao Art Academy.
Qian was a versatile artist who excelled in decorative art, painting, music, and seal carving. In his early years he did graphic design for several famous literary magazines, and further edited and published a few books on music, fine art, and literature. After his retirement in the early 1970s, he devoted his time to painting, calligraphy and seal carving, which won him acclaim overseas and locally. He was an expert in the regular, cursive and seal styles of calligraphy, able to integrate the art of seals with that of calligraphic inscriptions on the sides of seals. His calligraphy too was influenced by metal-and-stone art, becoming amazingly energetic.
In 1987 and 1997, Qian donated his precious collections of more than 4,000 items of art and relics to the Dongxiang City, his beloved hometown. Included among Qian’s various publications are Long March Seal Album; Juntao Seal Album; Selection of Exquisite Seals by Qian Juntao on Art; and Traces of Dreams of Spring.
钱君匋先生是位多才多艺的艺术家, 对美术装帧、音乐、篆亥,书法和绘画均有杰出造诣。旱年在上海曾为多位著名作家主编的刊物主旦任装帧设计,并编辑出版过许多以音乐及美术为题材的学术刊物。七十年代率刀退休后,从事书画篆刻,享誉海内外。其正草隶篆,尤以篆刻闻名于世,并能将书法诸体容入篆刻边款,为前无古人之创举;其书法中亦颊富金石意韵。
1987年与1997年钱君匋先生两次将自己平生所珍藏的四千多件名贵文物书画捐献给浙江桐乡市。著述专集出版有《长征印谱》、《鲁迅印谱》、《君匋印选》、《钱君匋精品印选》、《钱君匋长跋巨印选》、《钱君甸论艺》 、《春梦痕》等。