Mr Wang Xingjie, a professional artist, was born in November 1956 in Fushun of Liaoning Province in north-eastern China.He graduated from the fine art faculty of Fushun College in 1986.
Wang is currently acting as an executive committee member of the Fushun Artists’ Association, as well as a member of the Liaoning Artists’ Association. Wang has won several awards and his works of art were being exhibited in numerous art exhibitions in various major cities across the nation. The exhibition committees of Beijing Art Expo, the Chinese Affair, China Culture & Arts Corporation, and the Liaoning Art Museum have chosen some of his paintings for collection and published into video compact discs, wall calendars, art books. They have also been featured in newspapers, namely the Fine Art; Art Vision; The Chinese Culture, and Workers’ Daily, and the wall calendar Wang Xingjie’s Landscape Paintings. Certain pieces of his paintings were selected to be sold at auctions conducted by Christie Online, Han Rong Xuan etc. Among the collectors of Wang’s Art are art lovers from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore.
Most of his artwork depicts the graceful lives of cranes and the scenic four-season environment of Liaoning in north-eastern China.
王兴杰先生,1956年11月出生,毕业于辽宁抚顺教育学院艺术系。现为辽宁省美术家协会会员,抚顺市美协理事,职业画家。作品多次参加全国省市美展并获奖,并被“首都艺术览会”“中华情”、美展组委会、中国交化艺术总公司、辽宁美术馆收藏出版大型画册光盘等;出版了王兴杰风景油画挂历。多幅作品发表在 《美术》、《美术大观》、《中国交化报》《工人日报》等,名字被编入《中国专家人才库》《世界美术冢传》。
作品曾在“嘉德在线”、“翰荣轩”文化艺术博物馆拍卖。部份作品被香港台湾、 新家坡收藏家收藏。画家酷爱油画写生,作品描绘东北辽宁盘锦地区顶鹤乡的美景,展现芦苇塘四季不同的景色和丹顶鹤的生活习性等等。画家绘画功力深厚,作品深受欺迎。