Wang Yan 王嬿

(B. 1953 – )

Mdm Wang Yan, 1953 born in Shenyang, Wang Yan is a graduate of the Fine Art Department of the Liaoning Education Academy and the

Luxun Fine Art Academy Oil Paint Department. She is an artist with Benxi City Calligraphy and Painting Academy and a member of Liaoning Artists’ Association. She has participated in a national joint exhibition of Oil works at the China Art Gallery in 1992 and the China Oil Painting in 1996. Her works have also been displayed at touring exhibitions in Hong Kong and Malaysia, and at international art expositions held in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Collectors of her oil paintings include museums and individuals both in China and overseas. Her representative works include “Full Moon” and “Blue on White Vase”.


王嬿女士 生于辽宁阳市,毕业于辽宁教育学院美术系,鲁迅美术学院油画班结业、辽宁美术家协会会员 本溪市书画院二级美术师。作品多次参加展览 ,广泛被国内外美术馆和个人收藏, 代表作品 《满月》、《青花瓶》。并有文学作品见诸各报刊。

  • 1986 油画《好阿姨》入选全国妇女联展
  • 1991 北京中央美术学院陈列馆举办联展
  • 1992 北京中国美术馆举办十人油画展
  • 1993 日本东京、小山市举办油画画展、参加93’香港中国油画画展
  • 1994 北京国际艺术博览会
  • 1996 油画《青萃果》入选96’中国油画画展
  • 1998 广州国际艺术博览会 、《丁涛、王嬿油画艺术》出版
  • 2000 上海国际艺术博览会、油画《满月》等五幅入编(名家静物艺术)丶《王嬿油画艺术》出版
  • 2002 上海艺德艺术品有限公司举办油画联展

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