William Ngiao
Born 1971, Johor Baharu Malaysia
- Liquitex Excellence Art Competition (USA)
- Liquitex Excellent in Art Product Grand Award
- Winner of “Beautiful Landscape Malaysia” PNB 1997
- 1993 “Young” Talents 93 Bank Negara Malaysia
- 1993 “H2O” watercolor Exhibition KLCA Malaysia
- 1994 “Vision Exhibition” KLCA Gallery
- 1994 “Young Contemporary” National Art Gallery Malaysia
- 1994”Malaysia Landscape” Group Exhibition PNB Malaysia
- 1995 Art Exhibition in Conjunction with Promotion of Tourism for Landscape Malaysia
- 1997 “Malaysia Art Award 1997 by the Philip Morries Group of Companies
- 1998 Young Talent Contemporary Fine Art KL
- 1999-2012 has exhibited nationally in many numerous group Exhibition
- 2013 FEDERATION of Art Societies (Singapore) 21stAnniversary Celebrations
- 2014 Art Exhibition Feat DA Tang Fine Art Celebrate SG 50 Rendezvous Hotel Federation
- 2014 Affordable Art Fair Singapore 1 Republic Boulevard F1 Pit Building
- 2015 Da Tang’s Debut in International Furniture Fair Singapore (IFFS)
Solo Exhibition:
- 2003 Solo Art Exhibition at Chong Hwa High School Johor
- 2005 Solo Art Exhibition at BCB Hotel Malaysia
- 2006 Solo Art Exhibition at “Harris” popular Johor
- 2013 Solo Art Exhibition “Colorful Print” Singapore
绕维崙生于一九七一年,毕业于吉隆坡美术学院(KLCA)。在美专毕业后,绕维崙投入大量时间从事美术教育与创作,他热爱艺术创作并希望有朝一日自己的作品能走向国际。这几年来除了举办多次联展与个展,作品也受各外国机构收藏,这无疑是对画家的一种肯定。而这一次由大唐艺苑为绕维崙举办第二次新加坡个展。在这次展出的作品,绕维崙应用丰富、大胆、创新的手法注入创作中。无论从冈景、花卉、城市景象到抽象表现主义,在绕维崙画家的作品中充满各种印象色彩、视觉叙述,并以多层次的色调、明亮的色彩让画作拥有明亮的色彩足迹。观看绕维崙的作品会想起康丁斯基(Wassily Kandinsky 1866-1944)的作品《点线至平面》,采用色彩重叠、应用点线面结合色彩表现出无限的遐想空间,画家希望从传统的技法寻求新的视觉艺术符号并展现不同的媒介表现手法。借此机会大唐艺苑衷心祝愿绕维崙先生画展成功。
Ngiao Will Laon William (b. 1971), after graduating from Kuala Lumpur College of Art (KLCA) in 1994, he devoted much of his time in fine arts education and painting. He has been passionate about his artistic creations and always loves to share this passion with a bigger international audience. For the past few years, besides having several art exhibitions, he has been commissioned to paint for corporations overseas. Truly a strong affirmation for the artist. This is William’s 2nd solo art exhibition in Singapore, organized by Da Tang Fine Arts Enterprise Pte. Ltd. In this exhibition, William uses richly creative and daring bold styles in his creations. From cityscape, floral, landscapes to abstracts, he injects strong colours, multi-layering technique and visual expression to create a ‘Foot-print of colours’ effect. Admiring William’s artworks, art connoisseurs may be able to connect with the style of Wassily Kandinsky (1866 – 1944) – creating an aesthetic experience that engaged the sight, sound, and emotions of the public. William endeavours to use traditional artistic techniques to explore fresh visual experience, through various media. Our gallery and his followers warmly wish William a great success in this art exhibition.