Xian Xiaoqian is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a member of the Chinese Book Association, deputy editor of Guangxi People’s Publishing House, and director of the Art Editor Office of the China Thread-bound Book Company. In 1987, he won the first prize of Guangxi Fine Arts Professional Creation. In 1995, he won the Silver Award of the Third International Painting and Calligraphy Art Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan. In 1996, he won the honorary gold exhibition of the famous cross-strait calligraphy and painting exhibition. In 1998, he won the bronze of the China Today Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. Award, in 2001, won the Excellent Works Award of China Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition. Xian Xiaoqian is good at poetry, fine calligraphy and calligraphy, and is knowledgeable. He is deeply rooted in the aesthetic taste of traditional Chinese culture in the context of oil painting, with unique characteristics and profound skills.
冼小前, 系中国美协会员、中国书协会员、广西人民出版社副编审、中国线装书局美编室主任。1987年获广西美术专业创作一等奖,1995年获日本东京第三届国际书画艺术作品展银奖,1996年获海峡两岸著名书画家精品展荣誉金展,1998年获今日中国书画大展铜奖,2001年获中国当代油画精品展优秀作品奖等。冼小前擅诗文,精书画,学识渊博。其在油画语境里深植中国传统文化审美情趣,独具特色,功力深厚。