Zhang Da Lun

(B. 1963 – )

ZHANG DA LUN was born in Lohe of Henan Province in the year 1963.

He graduated from the Fine Art Faculty of Henan University in 1990. Dalun enrolled into the research study at Central Fine Art Academy in the year 2000 and obtained his postgraduate degree at the end of the two-year study.

As a member of the China Artists Association and Henan Art Society, Zhang is currently a fulltime artist residing in Beijing.

Concised strokes and unconventional thoughts. Zhang’s painting is modern, cultural, trendy and full of personal character. Fusion of the old and new, traditional and contemporary techniques, romanticism and lively abstract style, Zhang’s paintings displays his extraordinary philosophical and artistic attainments. One look into his painting, your spirit will be the uplifted. The unsophisticated language affirmed Zhang’s bold and robust artistic movements will sour to greater heights in time to come.

2002 – The artist participated in the National Art Exhibition.

2003 – He was selected to participate in the 100 Contemporary Chinese Artists Exhibition.

2004-2005 – His paintings were exhibited in the China Art Expo in Beijing and the Shanghai Art Expo.

2006 – Dalun participated in the Grand Figure Painting Exhibition of Life, Peace and the Earth in China.

2007 – He participated in the National Pre-Olympic Art Exhibition and at the same time won a Gold Award with his chosen piece of work.

2005-2007 – Zhang was invited to send his works for auction at Christie China, China Pan Long, Beijing Rong Bao and Beijing Baoli. Some art collectors successfully bid his  – works of art with high prices.

– Besides all the above-mentioned events, Zhang Dalun’s paintings were also exhibited in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, New York and San Francisco – on various occasions.

2008 – His Painting  “ Old Tune ”  was hammered at high price in Singapore by Global Auction Pte Ltd.


张达伦 1963年出生于河南漯河。 1990年毕业于河南大学美术系,2000年就读于北京中央美术学院油画创作研修班, 2000年毕业。 中国美术家协会河南美协会员, 职业油画家。 现居北京。

画家凝炼的笔触,越位的思维。构成了一幅幅具有现代生活气息,民族化,时代化和个性化的唯美画面。 融汇古今中外技法,色彩浪漫,传神怡情,气韵生动的抽象思维,挥展着他非凡的富有哲学美的艺术造谐。欣赏张达伦的画,会让你激情豪放。精神醒目,忘掉烦恼。淳朴的语言,肯定了张达伦豪迈雄健,博大的艺术气势,深湛的功力和独特的个性,造就了他如此辉煌的画面。 我们有理由相信,随着时间的推移,他在艺术上的成就和在国內外的影响将会超出我们现在的认识。

2002年 参加全国美展。

2003年 参加中国当代艺术百人展。

2004-2005年 参展中国艺术博览会, 北京和上海艺术博览会。

2006年 参加中国地球﹑生命﹑和平人物画大展。

2007年 参加迎奥运全国美展,获金奖。

2005-2007年      受邀参加参加中国嘉德, 中国盘龙, 北京荣宝和北京保利拍卖会, 参拍作品被高价收藏。 作品曾在北京﹑香港﹑新加坡﹑美国和三蕃市等地展览。

2008年 受邀参加新加坡环球拍卖,作品 “ 古韵 ”被高价拍出。

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(B. 1943 – )
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(B. 1970 – )
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(B. 1965 – )
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