Zhao Shi Jie 赵世杰

(B. 1955 – )

Born in Dalian in 1955, Mr Zhao Shi Jie graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. He is a member of the Chinese Artists’ Association, the Chinese Academy of Oil Paintings, a professional painter at Liaoning Painting Studio, and the standing vice chairman and secretary of Panjin Artists’ Association. His paintings have been exhibited at many national art exhibitions and were awarded many prizes.

Many of his works were chosen by the Ministry of Culture for international cultural exchanges with both European and Southeast Asian countries and exhibited there. Some of his works were snapped up by the Hong Kong International Art Foundation, the Art Gallery of Taiwan, the Art Gallery of Singapore, and numerous overseas collectors. Many of his paintings have been preserved in the Collection of Contemporary Chinese Oil Paintings of a Hundred Artists.

赵世杰先生,1955年生于大连,毕业于鲁迅美术学院油画系,作品多次参加全国美展并获奖。 其中获国家级美展奖项三次,省、部级美展金奖三次、银奖十次。现为中国美术家协会会员、中国油画协会会员丶辽宁美协理事、辽宁画院画师、盘锦市美协秘书长、辽河画院专职画家。


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