何劲, 广东人,擅长书画,职业画家。毕业于广州大学和新加坡拉萨尔艺术学院。现专注于绘画,书法创作和教学工作。自幼师从广州美术学院雷淑娟教授,之后在研习中国画的过程中,获得了关岳教授的悉心指导。经过多年的学习和领悟,渐成个人创作风格,承载中国画传统精髓并融入当代元素,汇入个人对人生及周遭事物的情感。她的作品不仅形式丰富,更蕴含情谊,温润观者心灵,深受人们的喜爱和购藏。
He Jin, an artist from Guangdong, China, is well versed in both painting and calligraphy and is now engaging in painting, calligraphy and teaching. She graduated from Guangzhou University and Singapore Lasalle College of Art. She has been under close supervision by Professor Lei Shu Juan since young, and received guidance from Professor Guan Yue in her pursuit to Chinese painting later. After years of study and practice, she has developed her unique style, infusing into the traditional Chinese art with contemporary elements as well as her own perspectives and sentiments to life and the universe. Her work embraces various forms and emotions that sooth the mind of the audience – that is why it is widely appreciated by many, including artwork collectors