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  • Peerless Beauty & Beyond – Artworks by Mdm. Sun Yee 绝代风华-沈雁艺术作品展
Past Exhibition
Peerless Beauty & Beyond – Artworks by Mdm. Sun Yee 绝代风华-沈雁艺术作品展
Pan Pacific Singapore Public Art Space @ Level 2
Exhibition Date & Time
Exhibition Venue
Pan Pacific Singapore Public Art Space @ Level 2
Exhibition Overview

Sun Yee is a bright star passing across the sky of the Singapore art scene, with peerless beauty. In an era when art education was not popular, with support from limited resources, she had set up the Singapore Academy of Arts almost all by herself and raised a group of backbones of Singapore art for today. She had shaped a part of Singapore’s art landscape, opened up the spring of Singapore’s art, and written a page in the history of Singapore’s art that cannot be ignored. Her contribution is extraordinary, unforgettable, and forever worthy to be remembered by the people of this country.

World renowned female artist Mdm. Sun Yee was born at Zhejiang in 1919. Since young, she grew up in an artistic cultured environment, thus inculcating her passion for drawing. Mdm. Sun furthered her education in Shanghai Art College and graduated in 1938. Her devotion for art did not cease from there, taking a bold step to travel across the globe in search of new inspirations. In 1940, Mdm. Sun held her first solo art exhibition, achieving resounding success. From there, Mdm. Sun decided to further her studies in art at Nihon University in Japan, and traveled to France thereafter for comprehensive studies in Fernard Leger. In 1953, Mdm. Sun’s art pieces were recognized and received great compliments, and having her works brought in by the French government for exhibition in the art gallery.

In 1955, Mdm. Sun set foot in Singapore, traveling in South East Asia for exhibitions. In collaboration with various organizations, she took part in the establishment of School of the Arts, Singapore, holding the position of principal and lecturer. Throughout her career, Mdm. Sun established a cornerstone for a growing cradle of new local artists, devoting her soul for local art education. Mdm. Sun did not forsake her passion for art in the meantime. Publishing her first book in 1956, she continued to publish six additional books for her art piece promotion, last dated in 1984.Mdm Sun devoted her life to the art scene for more than 60 years. During this period, she has traveled the world for two times, seeking out astounding ideas for her creativity. With a total of 93 exhibitions in various scales, her contributions to the art scene held no bounds. Through her works, we gain insights and new perspectives, especially how ideals of different poles found mitigations and compromises, showcasing a new form of art work never before seen by many.


享誉国际艺坛女画家兼美术教育沈雁女史,1919年生于中国浙江嘉兴书香世家。幼受母亲及兄长影响,酷爱绘画,早年在上海美术专科学校(图音科)进修纯美术和音乐,后转入上海新华艺专继续修业,至1938年毕业。毕业后仍然奋志艺术,遍游名山大川,埋首创作。1940年举行第一次个展于上海,崭露头伯,一吗惊人,敛华就实,萃然有抱负,乃于1949 年东渡日本,在日本大学艺术学部深造,于1952年毕业,關又北飞欧陆,在艺都巴黎入法国文艺大学攻读,同时亦在法国著名画家法郎雷 全 (Fergard Leger) 画室研究。在留法期间,其艺事猛进,曾于1953 年以五件作品全部入选法国春季沙龙展;同年又举行个展于巴黎,作品受到欧州人士重视,被法国政府收购,陈列于美术馆。1955 挟艺南来新加坡,并在东南亚各地旅行和举行画展。1957年,与中国学会共创新加坡艺术学院。出任院长并兼任学院讲师,华人青年会美术指导及国际女青年会美术教授,致力于美术教育,培植不少艺术人才,成绩卓然。沈女士多力多艺,通晓中、英、日、法等国语言,除绘画外,音乐、舞蹈、戏剧等,世是他的最爱。她在繁忙教学之余,仍致力于美术创作和写作。1956年,出版第一辑《沈雁画集》。1959年,出版《南洋风物画集》。1963年,出版《南洋花卉画集》。1966 年,出版艺术论著《艺坛风云》。1971年出版《沈雁画集》第四辑。1980年,出版《古今名画集》。1984年,出版《世界风光画集》。

沈女士驰骋艺坛己一甲子有余,六十多年来,执著地探索艺术,她曾在1964-65年和 1971-72 年间,先后两次环游世界,至世界各地考察美术,旅游写生和举行画展。她前后举行过九十三次个展,若加上其师生连展及其他团体展,则不下百回,她真不愧是艺坛老将,身经百战(展),令人敬佩!由于她阅历丰富,视野广阔,胸罗天地万物景观,烙铸中、西艺术一炉,悟自然万物之灵机,意匠独运,尽收画中。正如己故艺坛大师张大千给子她作品的评价《笔收众妙,墨到无痕》。



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